Tuesday, November 10, 2009

On the display shelf we kept the scarecrow and added a stuffed squirrel.

This terrific turkey came from the dollar store. Q loves carrying him around. We practice the turkey sound and talk about his body parts. I doubt he will survive more than just this season, but he is getting well-loved in his short life.

Thanksgiving books....

This wooden pilgrim couple and their turkey pet (on a leash) was made by Matt's late grandfather--Grandad. It is so precious to us because it reminds us of him every time we see it and great Thanksgivings we've spent with him! I love that Q gets to enjoy this little gift of Grandad! We like to pull the pilgrim boy's hat down over his eyes and play peek-a-boo. Q likes to drop them on the floor and listen to them hitting the wood floor.
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