Tuesday, November 3, 2009

October Magnets

Another area of learning fun in our house is the fridge. Q loves exploring magnets....taking them off, putting them back on, dropping them, carrying them around the house. All the while she is getting good fine-motor practice, learning vocabulary (scarecrow, apple tree, leaves, etc.) and also learning some basic science principles about magnatism.
For October we went with a fall magnet theme. I mounted some leaves on cardboard and laminated them. I mounted some scarecrow stickers on felt and laminated those with clear packaging tape (too thick for regular laminator), also laminated an apple tree, four little leaf stickers, and a picture of her cousin in his Halloween costume. Oh yeah, and my favorite--a picture of Q's "pumpkin head" from last Halloween, which she calls her "baby." Sweet!
Some tips for magnets--if they aren't mounted on something thick, they can be hard for little ones to get their fingers under to remove from the fridge. They take a beating more than you'd think getting put on and off, so they have to be on cardobard or fabric to keep them from tearing, even when laminated.
We also have a random magnetic timer on the fridge. Q is obsessed with buttons, so we keep this here for her enjoyment!
We play the "get Mommy a ______ (leaf, scarecrow, baby, etc.) game with the magnets. If she doesn't hand it to me after a bit, I reach for it, point and say, "There it is!"

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